Mind the HAE Attack Social Guidelines
Mind the HAE Attack is the property of and managed by KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and all posts are intended for a global audience.
Mind the HAE Attack on social platform(s) is intended to provide updates about the program, educate, and engage patients, healthcare professionals, and others interested in patient-focused education in hereditary angioedema (HAE). Please remember that KalVista is a public company in a highly regulated pharmaceutical industry, and we are subject to specific rules for how we engage with the public. We cannot engage in discussions about treatment options on our social channel(s). These discussions are best held in private with a health care professional. Please note, while we appreciate your comments and monitor this page and our other social media channels, we may not acknowledge every direct mention, post, or reply sent to us.
We encourage you to follow us on our social channel(s) and engage with our content, but please note that by replying to or commenting on our page, or by following our other social media channel(s), you are agreeing to abide by and are subject to the Guidelines as described below. Failure to follow these Guidelines may result in your post/reply being hidden and/or the original post being deleted. You may be reported and/or blocked from Mind the HAE Attack social channel(s) and any other KalVista social media channels.
Mind the HAE Attack social channel(s) is public, and anyone can engage with us. It may contain the opinions and views of other users, and we do not evaluate the factual accuracy of user-posted content. While we attempt to moderate the page to ensure that users’ posts comply with the Guidelines described below, we are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any posts, replies, or materials posted by users.
Please note, per conditions and terms of social media community guidelines, specifically Mind the HAE Attack, we will not:
- Offer health or medical advice. While we will share information or resources on medical topics, this should not be construed as medical advice but rather as educational subject matter.
- Engage in sensitive topics or discussions regarding clinical trials, financial affairs or any legal or regulatory matters. We will only provide information on our social media channels that is publicly available.
- Discuss or respond to post/replies about:
- KalVista’s investigational products or clinical trials.
- KalVista’s financial performance, partnerships, other activities, or business operations.
- KalVista’s employees or personnel changes, including the Board of Directors or Scientific Advisory Board.
- Any KalVista processes or procedures.
Mind the HAE Attack hopes to foster a considerate community on our social platforms. Therefore, we ask that you please be respectful of everyone participating online and remain on topic in all discussions.
Community Guidelines
The following types of replies and comments are not acceptable on the Mind the HAE Attack social channel(s):
- Using profane, defamatory, libelous, offensive, hateful, or demeaning language, video, images, or other media.
- Any disparaging or threatening remarks to Mind the HAE Attack, KalVista, other companies, or individuals.
- Comments or information that is misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive.
- Comments or information related to any of our investigational products or those of other companies (this includes adverse events and complaints).
- Posting proprietary, confidential, sensitive, or non-public information about, or related to KalVista, other companies, or individuals.
- Posts containing personal and/or identifying information about individuals (including the person who replies or comments).
- Promotional, solicitous, or anything that may constitute advertising for other products or services.
- Any excessively repetitive, spam-like posts or that are otherwise disruptive to the community.
We encourage and welcome your comments and feedback, provided you share your viewpoint in a way that is respectful to us and our community. However, because our social media profiles are public and anyone can engage with us, we cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own.
We reserve the right to block and/or report any user account that violates these Guidelines.
Additional Provisions of Use
- We reserve the right to engage or not engage with post/replies on a case-by-case basis and make no commitments related to response time. We may contact individual users via private message if we can do so.
- We may occasionally share links to third-party sites when we feel that the information is relevant or helpful; however, please note that this does not in any way constitute an official endorsement of the author, website, company that owns the website, or all the information on that website.
- While we monitor the Mind the HAE Attack on all social channel(s) and reserve the right to hide replies or delete original post/threads, KalVista is not responsible for content posted by third parties, including statements that are factually incorrect or misleading or violate another parties’ intellectual property such as copyrights, trademarks, or service marks.
- User accounts that Mind the HAE Attack follows or that follow Mind the HAE Attack do not indicate an endorsement of the account owner or their products and/or services.
- Mind the HAE Attack reserves the right to update these Guidelines at any time at its sole discretion.
- When you engage with Mind the HAE Attack, you grant us permission to engage back, including the use of your name or handle and the images, videos, and text associated with your posts. Therefore, do not publicly post or tag Mind the HAE Attack on social channel(s) in anything you’d like to keep confidential.
Any questions or concerns regarding our Guidelines for Mind the HAE Attack on our other social media channels, please contact us at MindtheHAEattack@kalvista.com.
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